import random

#Initial message when running the code
print("Welcome to the number guessing game! Please input a number.")

#This line generates a random number between 1 and 20 to be guessed by the user
target_number = random.randint(1, 20)

#This variable hold the value of how many attempts the use takes. It starts at 0 attempts
attempts = 0

#Loop for the game
while True:
    # Lets the player input their guess
        guess = int(input("Guess the number: "))
        print(f"You guessed: {guess}")
        # Rest of your code for processing the guess
        attempts += 1
    except ValueError:
        print("Please enter a valid integer.")

    # Check if the guess is correct
    #f-strings let you embed variables and expression inside
    if guess == target_number:
        print(f"Congratulations! You guessed the number {target_number} in {attempts} attempts.")
    elif guess < target_number:
        print(f"{guess} is too low. Try again.")
        print(f"{guess} is too high. Try again.")

Welcome to the number guessing game! Please input a number.
You guessed: 6
6 is too low. Try again.
You guessed: 10
10 is too low. Try again.
You guessed: 19
19 is too low. Try again.
You guessed: 20
Congratulations! You guessed the number 20 in 4 attempts.