My Contributions to Passion Project


  • Making issues in the repositories and trying to keep up with the scrum board.
  • Helping team members fix problems as well as assign peolple things to do to be able to complete the passion project.


  • Building a solid base to the frontend with some titles and text so the the frontend dev had code to work off of.


  • Created both the Api and Model for the passion project and did quite a bit of troubleshooting with all the bugs we were getting.

College Board Question

  • This question is an example os pseudocode and what it is asking us to do is to figure out what the output would be. image.png
  • The answer woud be 3 4 because it first sets current to 3 and then sets start to current which has the start variable holding the number 3 and then it makes the current variable add 1 to the 3 it was holding before thus displaying the output of 3 4


Passion Project

Things we did Good:

  • Being able to create a functioning Api the connected to the frontend.
  • Frontend looked pretty solid and modern.
  • We did well at explaining our project at N@TM

    Things to Improve:

  • Team communication could have been improved by a good amount
  • More updates to the github repository in the form of more frequent commits and issues and scrum board edits.
  • Not procrastinate as much and spread the workload out a lot more effectively.
  • Merge conflicts in github.

    Individual Experience in the Class


  • My experience in Computer Science Principles so far is pretty positive as the assignments that my and my group completed contributed to my personal learning of the content.
  • I liked how almost every class i learned cool and new things about computer science and programming.


  • I could definitely benefit from more time box entried as focusing on the passion project turned my attention away from the timebox.
  • Issues had me stuck on certain things for way too long and I needed to find a good solution quick but I took my time to find the solution.

    What I Learned:

  • The power of communication between group member is the difference between a good project and a bug riddled one.
  • I also learned that asking peers questions about anything is very beneficial because they might know the answer and they will help you out greatly and even if they do not know then I can ask the teacher

Looking Ahead

What I am Looking Foward to:

  • I am exited to learn more about databases so that in the next passion project I will be able to have a better databse
  • I am also looking foward to learning more about algorithms and object oriented programming to make my code more efficient
  • I am looking foward to another night at the museum because it was pretty awesome seeing all the projects my peers have been working on and being able to show my project off as well

    What to Improve on Next Trimester:

  • I need to be more immersed in coding process instead of just doing the code and being finished but really understanding it and how it connects to the bigger picture of the project
  • I could try out making mini projects to document in my timebox using newly learned information and then i can look back on it and use it for my passion project
  • Doing more research online like places like stack overflow will be able to help me out and help me learn new ways to code.

Some of my Code in Python

import random

def roll_die():
    # Gives random integer between 1 and 6
    return random.randint(1, 6)

def main():
    # Allows user to control how many rolls are executed
    num_rolls = int(input("How many times would you like to roll the die? "))
    # Makes sure that the entered value is a valid integer
    if num_rolls <= 0:
        print("Please enter a valid number of rolls.")

    print("Rolling the die", num_rolls, "times:")
    for i in range(num_rolls):
        roll_result = roll_die()
        print("Roll", i + 1, ":", roll_result)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Rolling the die 4 times:
Roll 1 : 3
Roll 2 : 6
Roll 3 : 6
Roll 4 : 6

My group at the N@TM

image1 image2 image3 image4 image5