
When applying to colleges and universities, getting into a computer science major is very competitive so you can try to win the lottery for some colleges or go down a computer science related path. Tristan showed that it is possible to pursue computer science in a less competitive way by going to community college. Anthony mentioned that you should try to send as many applications as possible to optimize chances in getting into a college, job, or internship. Extracurriculars are a good way to show that you are passionate about the field you are interested in which looks great on applications for anywhere. Projects are a great extracurricular to participate in because they display all of you knowledge in a tangible way. Anthony mentioned leetcode as a way to refine you coding skills in a more mathematical way. Some jobs and internships require you to get 100% on leetcode problems so it will be worth your while. An example of a project would be the storefront that Collin mentioned. It displays his creativity and skill at the same time. A personal website can help display your talents because you can put all of your projects and any interesting information about yourself on it. Linkden can be a great place to try to network with employers and display your talents to try and get a job or internship but it will take many attempts to land one. Reflecting on these topics, some things I would like to apply to myself are the projects and linkden. I agree that projects are a solid display of skill and will be looking into creating some in the future. I think that with the projects as a base you could pair it with linkden networking and be able to open up some opportunities for myself.